Life Season

The Life Rhythm we focus on during Life Season

God is a life-giver, the source of everything we see–our bodies, our planet, our universe. 

God loves life, and he loves to give it. To him the universe is like a flower garden or a playground. He is creative and he is good to the core. He loves to promote life in all its forms, and he sets himself up against anything that demeans, reduces or destroys what he has created.

The Bible is more about life in this world than it is about religion and the afterlife. The biblical story is much more about how to live in this world than how to prepare for the next one.

The other half of the big idea of Life Season

The forces of death are running loose in our world, and people don’t agree on who to blame or what to do about it.  

 The world as we see it today is obviously messed up. The forces of death are doing their worst, and they seem to be getting away with a lot of it. Why doesn’t God do something about it?

Actually he is, but it’s not the quick fix that people are looking for from him, so lots of people conclude he isn’t doing anything at all. Or perhaps they think all he is doing is a little damage limitation by sending a few religious leaders like Jesus to urge people to be better and kinder.

They do not see that God is furious about every attack of death against life and he has master-minded a global campaign to deal with it. The Bible tells us how he is executing his plan through Jesus and the Holy Spirit continuing till today. 

Why hasn’t God’s campaign succeeded yet? Because timing is everything. On God’s calendar we are living in a global grace period. God’s campaign strategy for the present time is to hand out second chances and third and fourth and fifth… It looks like the forces of evil are getting away with everything but when the grace period ends they will be wiped out and everything else will be connected, healed and blessed.

In the meantime our job is to listen to God and carry out the assignments he gives us to promote authentic life. We already have one foot in that glorious future life, and we get to show the world some of what it will look like.

Of course, that puts a target on our backs because the forces of death don’t like us saying their days are numbered. They promote their own views of who to blame and how to make a better world.

Bottom line of the big idea

We see ourselves in Christ as life-bringers, participating in God’s campaign to reconnect the world with his Life, to heal all wounds and to bless everyone we can, even if we have to give our lives in the process.

In sync with Jesus, we are connected to life itself. ‘Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have God’s Son does not have life.’ (1 John 5:12) 

When we SYNC (See Yourself iN Christ) as a life-bringer, we realise we are participating in the life-giving, life-healing, life-restoring campaign of Christ. That is our cause. We are caught up in it, energised by it and delighted every time we have even a small success.