a journey of discovery

Vision Season


The Vision Rhythm we focus on during Vision Season

God has promised that Jesus will come back, take charge as King of the world, and create a permanently perfect world.

That is God’s vision for the future, shared with us through the Bible. The campaign to connect, heal, and bless the world will be a magnificent success. All the way through the biblical story, God has made promises through his prophets, and he has been keeping them. There is a 100% chance that he will keep this final promise that Jesus, the Spearhead of the campaign, will come back and take the campaign to total, final victory.

The other half of the big idea of Vision Season

Living under Christ’s rule, we are ‘beings from the future.’

Wild as it sounds, Jesus has taken part of the future and put it into us already by his Holy Spirit. We are not just waiting for his future; we are living the future already! In the future, he will reign over all territories, all political powers, and all ethnic groups. But he already reigns over us who honour him as Messiah and leader of our pilgrimage. He is already gradually changing us the way he will finally change the whole world when he rules it all.

​Bottom line of the big idea

We ‘see ourselves in Christ’ as actors in trailers for a movie about the coming world of peace and joy.

​In sync with Jesus, we are never behind the times. We are ahead of the game! That’s our focus for Vision Season.

When we sync with the Messiah it is as if we are actors in a trailer for God’s movie about the future, we see the direct life-changing connection between our lives and the destiny of the world. It’s not like we are helpless, unworthy, stuck with all kinds of weaknesses now, but everything will magically be perfect later.

In Christ some of that future perfection is already arriving, and it’s working. Those who are not in Christ can see it working on us, and some of them ask, ‘What’s that? What’s got into you?’ The future has got into us! We are living the dream!