Identity Season

The Identity Rhythm we focus on during Identity Season:

God is proactively running a campaign to connect, heal and bless everyone on earth. He isn’t just making rules and measuring how people do so he can split the good ones from the bad ones.

When people assume God is basically a scorekeeper and judge they read the Bible as the book that tells us how he will keep score. How much will that good deed raise my score? How badly will that bad deed hurt it?

People may read the Bible that way for a whole lifetime without realising that something different and bigger is going on. The Bible as a whole is not a glorified list of God’s rules and standards. It’s a story: the story of God proactively working his campaign strategy to bless the world.

The other half of the big idea of Identity Season:

God’s campaign strategy is to create his own campaign team, connect it tightly to himself and bless the whole human race through it.

God does send some of his blessing directly to the whole human race but most of the really important blessings he gives to his team to spread. We call this the ‘Abraham Strategy’ not because Abraham invented it, which he didn’t, but because he was the person through whom God launched it.

​The Abraham Strategy involves God in human life at the group level. He puts his own group (his campaign team) in among all the other groups, and in the end, it will bless them all and unite or connect them all.​

Bottom line of the big idea of Identity Season:

We sync to God’s ancient promise to bless the world through Abraham’s descendants. We live in sync with God’s intentions when he made that promise.

In sync with Jesus, we are rooted in Abraham. ‘And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God’s promise to Abraham belongs to you.’ (Galatians 3:29)

​When we sync with the Messiah we become a fulfilment of God’s promise to Abraham, we are participating in the work of Abraham’s descendants, which is to bless everybody. That is what it means to SYNC (See Yourself iN Christ). That is our cause. We are caught up in it, energised by it, and delighted every time we have even a small success.

Do you want a better world? So does God. Have you got a plan for a better world? So does God. What are the odds that syncing with his plan will do more to improve the world than continuing with any other plan?

We have to be careful here. People who support good causes often go too far. They start demonising their enemies, seeking more power and dominating others. They become the problem while seeing themselves only as the solution.

The Messiah teaches his followers that the way we work for his cause is just as important as the cause itself. We do not try to force things. We do not demonise our enemies or even retaliate against them. That is not who we are.

Instead we peacefully and honourably endure the opposition we face as we work for the cause. We saw more about this in the Honour Season.